Sunday, November 27, 2011

I didn't die, I was in Europe

Manning the gate at Karlstjein Castle

Catch-up post: Was in Czech Republic for 2 weeks at the IPF worlds. Sarah lifted, she bombed out in the squat on depth and pretty much had the worst meet of her career. Only got her openers on bench and DL.  Otherwise, being at the meet all week was a great experience.  I learned a lot as a coach (I got to help out with most of the Canadian lifters) and met a lot of good peeps.
Trip was a good vacay, spent the first week at the meet in Plzen and the second week on vacay in Prague.

Nov 8/2011
Training room at IPF worlds (Plzen)

Deadlift-70kgX10, 105kgX5, 125kgX3, 180kgX3, 230kgX1, 250kgX1, 270kg(595)X1, 290kg(639)X1, 320(705)X1 (belt on for this lift only)

Front Squat-120kgX8, 130X8, 130X8, 140X8 (knees were screaming during these, likely due to still being tight and immobile from the long flight)

This was a good short sesh, it was in the "training room" and not the main warm-up room at the meet. It was a very small room with 2 ER racks and a full set of eleiko plates for each rack. Somthing that was pretty cool about it though, was that eleiko had 2 prototype bars in the rack for everyone to use and they were asking for feedback. One was a chromed bar (apparently they are considering going back to chrome so the bars don't rust) and the other appeared to just be a normal eleiko competition bar, I was unaware of what was different about it, but I will say this, the chrome bar was sharp, but not as sharp as the non-chrome one, otherwise they both felt awesome.

Thurs Nov 10/11
Training room in Plzen

Military-60kgX8, 65X3, 72.5kgX5, 80kgX5, 95kg(209)X7 (these felt pretty tough)

Bench press-70kgX8, 90kgX5, 120X5, 135X5 X5 sets (these were really fast, there was myself and 2 other lifters benching and the pace was quick)

Finished off in the "fitness room" in the hotel

Neutral grip chins-4 sets of 10
Rear delt raise-3 sets of 15

arms as per shelby starnes

Sat Nov 12th 2011
Training room Plzen

Squats-worked up to 5 sets of 5 @ 205kg (no belt)
Just got some work in, and then they started tearing down the training room as I was still training so I had to cut it short.

Finished in fitness room 4 sets of 10 hanging leg raise

Tues Nov 15th 2011
World Class Gym Prague (drop-in rate 500Kr = $30 wow!)

Box Jumps 3X3 to aprox 36"

Squat- 75kg X5, 105X5, 125X5, 182.5X4, X4, X4, X4, 207.5 X2, 207.5 X2, 227.5(502lbs) X2, 227.5(502lbs) X2, 227.5 X2, 185kg (407) X17 rep PR
No belt for all sets (cause I didn't take one with me)
This squat session felt great, all reps went up easy and hips and knees were feeling great

Back Ext-3 sets of 15 +15kg
Lying leg curl-3 sets of 15 (slow negative)
Leg ext-3 sets of 12 (slow tempo)

I expected this session to leave me sore for days, but it did not, likely due to the fact that we were walking about 5hrs per day on average. All the walking helped get the recovery underway.

Thurs Nov 17th/2011
World Class Expensive Gym Prague (Goddamn $30 drop-in)

Military-65kgX8, 80kg(175)X3, 87.5kg(193) X3, 100kg (220lbs) X8 this was a much better military session than the previous week, likley due to being more mobile and less stressed about the worlds meet

Incline Bench-82.5kgX5, 95kgX5, 110kgX5, X5, X5
CSR-4 sets of 12

Iso High row-2 sets of 12
Iso Chest press-2 sets of 12

Arms as per shelby starnes

Sun Nov 20/2011
UF gyms

Incline-135X10, 210X5, 240X3, 270X1, 300X1, 300X1, 300X1
This felt hard, the first couple days after travelling seems to fuck me up a bit.
FacepullsX20 after every set

Bent over Rows-225X10 X5 sets (these are starting to feel pretty good, getting good control on every rep and really feeling them in the lats)

DB Side raise-25X15 rest 40 sec 25X15 rest 40 sec 25X12 rest 45 sec 25X9

Arms as per shelby starnes

Tues Nov 22nd 2011

Box Jumps-4 set of 3 @39" (mixed in with warm-up sets of DL)

DL-225X8, 315X5, 405X3, 500X4, X4, X4, X4, 570X2, 570X2, 500X10

Front squat-225X5, 275X10, 315X10, 315X10

GHR- 2 sets of 15

Weighted sit-ups- 2 sets of 12 @ 25lbs behind head

Thurs Nov 24/2011

Military-135X8, 155X3, 185X5, 219X3, 235X5, 185X10
Chins- 4 sets of 8

DB Bench- 5 sets of 10 @ 100lbs (these felt good, shoulders felt good)

T-bar rows-50X8, 75X8, 100X8, 125X8, 150X8, X8 (1 sec squeeze at the top of each rep)

Sat Nov 26th 2011
Events (first sessionn at the new training spot "locker 8")

Log-warmed up to 255X3, 275X1, 295X1, 315X2, 315X2, 315X2

Yoke- (this yoke session was a bit of fuckshow and took way too long)
405X50', 585X50', 765X50', 865X50', 865X50' (last run started to feel pretty good)

Stones-a couple warm-ups, 320X3 to 56" X 4 sets, then a bunch of various loads to put stones away on top platforms.

Thick DB clean and press- a bunch of sets and reps at 125lbs

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Flimsy Bar Squats

I decided to try out the new Texas Powerbar that I got Sarah for her birthday.  It's got nice sharp knurling but it's proven to be less than ideal for heavy squats.  I could be a bit spoiled by the York black oxide training bar that we normally squat with, its super stiff.

Tues Nov 1/2011

Box Jumps- 2 sets of 3 @ 39"

Squat-135X10, 225X8, 315X3, 405X1, 495X1,belt on now, 545X1, 570X1 PR, 405X16 (I thought I had 17 so I stopped but watching the video proved otherwise) 
All squats felt decent, I used a texas power bar and it will be the last time I squat with that bar. Super flimsy, caused alot of shaking and swinging on the decent, even after I tried to be very conservative with my movements.

GHR-3 sets of 12
Ab wheel-2 set of 15, 1 set +35lbs on back