Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Recap

We hosted our annual bootcamp games at the Renfrew location on Saturday, and additionally, my training partner Pete lost his mother this week so we called off training at the garage and I drilled it at the gym instead.

Saturday Oct 30/2010
Improv in place of events

18" rack pull- warm-up with quaded monster minis, 225X5, 315X5, 405X5, 495X3, 585X3, 675X3, 705X3 Drilled 705, it felt better than 675, but that was the plan so I stuck to it and didn't go beyond.

JNI approved squats- 225X5, 225X5, 315X5, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10 (used a belt on all 405 sets)

Weighted sit-ups-1 set of 12 with 45lb plate behind neck, abs cramped up like crazy and ended my sesh.

1st time crushing out a gym sesh with thee Dave Droeske in at least a year or more. It was totally by chance that he showed up and I was just about to lift. Good timing, good session.

*JNI: Jay Nera Institute

Sunday Oct 31st

GHR- 3 sets of 15
Weighted sit-ups-3 sets of 10 w/ 45lbs behind neck

Incline DB press-80X12, 100X12, 100X12 Shoulder felt fine on these, was careful and controlled during the entire set.
Chins- 5 set of 10

DB side raise- 20X15, 25X15, 25X17
DB rear raise- 15X15, 15X15, 15X17
DB Shrugs-80X15, 80X15, 80X15
DB curls- 40X10, 40X10, 40X10
Lat pull downs- 6 sets of 15 @150 (various bars and grips)

Diet is going well, starting to feel a bit better about strength after the rack pulls on Saturday.

The plan is to continue to lean out until I reach single digit body fat percentage and then force a big rebound.  We are planning on reaching the end of the lean out sometime in early December to allow enough time for the rebound to occur.  Shelby has assured me that I will bounce back bigger and leaner than when I started the cut.  My job is to train hard and smart to maintain as much strength as possible.

Friday, October 29, 2010

High Carb Day

Thursday was a high carb day.  I was unfortunately out of ezekiel bread and didnt have time to make a batch of rice so it was all oats, all day.

Meal #1- 1 cup of egg whites, 1-2/3 cups of oats, splenda, cinnamon, 3/4 scoop of whey fusion vanilla

Meal #2- 8 oz of tilapia fillets , 1-1/3 cups of oats, splenda, cinnamon

Meal #3- 8 oz of extra lean ground turkey, 1-1/3 cups of oats, splenda

Meal #4- same as meal 3

Meal #5- 1 cup of egg whites, 1-1/4 cup of oats, splenda, cinnamon, 3/4 cup of whey fusion

Meal #6- (post training) 2 scoops whey fusion, 1-2/3 cups of oats, splenda

Meal #7- 1-1/4 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 8 dill pickles, 3 evening primrose caps, 2 teaspoons of fish oil.


Thurs Oct 28/10

DE Deads-6 sets of 1 @425 (nice and crisp, good opportunity to do a tech check)

Bench-135X10, 135X5, 205X5, 225X5, 250X5, 285X5, 325X5 presc reps only

T-bar rows- 3 platesX15, 4 platesX10, 4 plates X10 drop 3 plates X5+5 drop 2 plates X10 +3+3+3
Rope pushdowns-100X15, 100X15, 100X17 drop 80X5 drop 60X8

DB side raise- 3 sets of 15
DB rear raise- 3 sets of 15
DB curls- 3 sets of 12/arm
Lat pulldowns- a shitload

Good pump, no shoulder irritation, neck is still pretty destroyed.


Ontario's Strongest Man

Canada's Strongest Man 105kg

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Train Wrecked

Tuesday Oct 26/2010

Simple 6 shoulder warm-up

Military Press- 135X8, 135X5, 170X5, 195X3, 215X2 (the plan was to just do a single at 215 and move on, but the first 2 reps were super crisp, on the 3rd I experienced a loud snap in the right side of my neck and then set was over in a hurry. Instantly my neck tightened up and now I cruising around like Bruce Wayne, with the full upper body head turns.  Luckily my lovely wife got me an appointment with my chiro, Dr. Shawn Bulger, tomorrow morning.)

SSB Box squats (parallel box)-135X10, 225X5, 275X3, 315X2, 365X1, 405X1, 405X1, 405X1, 405X1, 405X1, 405X1, 425X1, 425X1

DB walking lunges-65lbs X 3 sets of 12 per leg
SSB GM's- 135X10, 225X12, 225X10

Weighted sit-ups- 25lbs plate X15, 45lbs plate X10, 45lbs plate X 7 drop bwX5

prowler- 3 trips

Monday, October 25, 2010


Sat oct 23/2010

Jumps- 2 sets of 3

DE Log-worked up to 3 sets of 3 @ 235

Stones-300 to 60", 350 to 56", 350 to 56", 350 to 56" X2, 350 to 56"X2

Tire flip-75 seconds- 6 flips

This session was absolutely frustrating and definitely a low point in the training week.

Sunday Oct 24/2010
Hockey 1 hr 8:30am

ACC 7pm

DB side bends-150X15, 150X15, 150X15, 150X15
GHR-4 sets of 15

DB bench-80X15, 80X15, 100X12 (no shoulder issue if scaps remain retracted)
Chins-3 sets of 15

DB side raise-3 sets of 20 @ 20
DB Shrugs-3 sets of 20 @ 80
Barbell curls-3 sets of 15 @65
Lat pulldowns-4 sets of 20 (2 narrow grip, 2 wide grip)

This session was decent, mostly due to the fact that I was on mission to make up for Saturdays shitshow.

Overall this was a great week, I had zero deviations from my plan, I got all cardio sessions completed, the meal plan was followed perfectly and I was able to implement some extra shoulder prehab/rehab work.

4 weeks of the diet plan and I am now down 20lbs.  Fat loss doesnt have to be dragged out, extreme dicipline and execution make it happen pretty fast.  And I stick to my opinion that losing fat/dieting is easier than gaining weight.  This has been so much easier than all the force feeding that I was doing previous to the lean out.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lower Body

Thurs Oct 21/2010

Military-135X10, 135X5, 160X3, 185X3, 205X7
Box Jumps (39")-3 sets of 3 jumps

DE SSB Box squat- (parallel box) 6 sets of 3 @ 250

Leg press-5 plates X20, 6 plates X15, 6 plates X30 (focus on flexing the muscles instead of just moving the weight)
SSB GM's- 135X10, 225X10, 225X10

Pull down abs-120X15, 120X12, 120X1

Friday Oct 22/2010

Simple 6 shoulder warm-up
15 mins Bike sprints
Band stretch for hams and hips

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Easy Wednesday

This is a copy and paste of the last email from Shelby (nutrition guy)

You're losing at a good rate.. the first month or so is just kind of the "blah" phase though as you usually don't look much leaner, you just look smaller.. lol.  I always hate the first 4-6 weeks or so.
  But after that you should start seeing the changes more visibly.
Let's continue as is.
Wed Oct 20/2010
Simple six shoulder warm-up
15 mins interval sprints'
Anti-Grover work
3 sets of 30 with neck harness
3 sets of 20 with plate on forehead

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pushing and Pulling

Tues Oct 19/2010 (6am)

30 mins cardio, treadmill level 7.3 (just trying to keep HR above 120)  This is my favorite cardio as I can read a book while power walking.

Tues Oct 19/10 (7pm)

Bench-135X10, 225X5, 275X3, 315X1, 350X1, 350X1, 350X1, 350X1, 315X3, 275X5 (last 2 sets were for tech adjustments)

Deads-225X5, 315X3, 405X3, 495X1, 585X1, 615X1, 650X1, 500X9 (pulls got better as the weight got heavier. 615 was much better than 585. All sets were without a belt)

DB military-75X12, 75X11, 75X12
DB rows-150X12/arm-3 sets (grip was the limiting factor)

DB ext-2 sets of 10 @ 50
Face pulls-2 sets of 25

Prowler-4 trips, 1 plate per post

Today was a "medium" carb day.
Meal #1 - 1.25 cups oats, 1 cup egg whites, 1.5 scoops whey fusion, splenda and cinamon to taste.  (this was consumed after the 30min cardio at 6am)

Meal #2- 3 tilapia fillets, 2 slices ezekiel bread

Meal #3- 10oz Striploin steak, 1 cup chopped cabbage, onions and mushrooms in vinegar, 2 tbsp natural PB

Meal #4- 10oz extra lean ground turkey, mustard, 2 large dill pickles, 2 tbsp natural PB

Meal #5 (post training)- 1.25 cups oats, 1 cup egg whites, 1.5 scoops whey fusion, splenda and cinnamon to taste

Meal #6- 2 scoops hydrolyzed beef protein (fruit punch tastes awesome), 3 evening primrose caps, 5 fish oil caps, 1 scoop veggie greens, 1 tsp creatine

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Catch up

Everything is going as planned for my "lean out".  I've dropped a total of 18lbs now in the last 3-1/2 weeks.  Strength perhaps has taken a small decrease, its too early to tell, as there have been other factors affecting my performance in the last couple of weeks.  So far I've had an easy time sticking to the diet and the cardio is not fun but I'm getting it done.
                                            After 3 weeks, 18lbs lost

Thurs Oct 14/10

Military press- 135X10, 150X5, 170X5, 195X9, 135X17

SSB Box squat (Slightly below parallel)- worked up to 315X3, 405X1, 455X1, 495Xmiss, 405X5

Front squats-225X10, 225X10, 225X15

Buf Bar GM's - 225X10, 225X10, 225X12
GHR sit-ups- Blk Band, X15, X15, X10


Sat oct 16/2010

Weighted Jumps- (aprox 30") 3 sets of 3 holding 25lb DB's

DE Log- worked up to 235X3 for 3 work sets. Nothing spectacular but made some good improvements from set 1 to set 3

Farmers-(all runs turn @ 75') 200X150, 250X150, 300X150, 320X150 2 drops on this run, 370X10' drop to 320 to the 75' mark, drop to 250 and finish run. (drop set I guess)

Stones- a couple warm-ups with 285 (20"), 320 to 54" X3, 320 to 54" X3, 320 to 54" X4 (used and I go, you go rest period on the last set)

Tire flip-2 sets 75 seconds, 7 flips on each set.

This session was done in about 3 hours and it destroyed me. But that was the goal. Success.

Sunday Oct 17/2010 (am)
Played hockey for 1 hr

Sunday Oct 17/2010 (afternoon)
(the focus of these sessions is to get some extra posterior chain work and heavy abs, and then just a bunch of upper bodybuilding)

DB side bends-150X10/side, 120X20/side, 120X20/side
GHR-3 sets of 15 (these felt crisp and solid, good control)
It was neccessary for me to drop to the 120's due to my grip being fatigued from sat farmers session, I just couldnt hold on long enough to get the work in.

DB incline-80X12, 80X12, 80X10
Lat pull downs-160X20, 160X20, 160X20

DB curls-40X12/arm- 2 sets
DB Shrugs-80lbs X20  - 2 sets
DB side raise- 25X15- 3 sets
Push-ups-3 sets of 20
More lat pulldowns after each round

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Trying out the new Facility

Although its not my first training session in the new Renfrew Facility, its the first session I've really wound up and hit the weights hard in the new place.  Let me tell you, this building is going to host some big things. I love it.

Tues Oct 12/10

Deadlift- 225X10, 335X10, 405X10, 405X10 Just getting some work in. Nice and easy as it should be. Back is still mangled moving left to right but seems fine front to back for deads.

Bench-worked up to 275X3, 315X1, 365X1, 315X5
Lat pull downs- sets of 15-20 after all sets and after all other accessory sets.

DB military-75X12, 75X10, 75X10
T-bar rows-2 plates X15, 3 plates X15, 4 plates X15

Barbell triceps ext- mini band and 55lbs bar weight- X15, X14, X14
2 way shoulders-20lbs X 10/dir (rear and side)

Prowler-3 trips

Feeling stiff afterwards. good sesh

Todays Meals look like this: (its a low day and I'm just about to jump on a bike for 20mins)
Meal #1- 1 cup egg whites, 2/3 cup dry oats, 1-1/2 scoops whey X, generic brand artificial sweetener.

Meal #2- 3 fillets of tilapia (aprox 10 oz), 2/3 cup oats in blender with water, 3 fish oil caps

Meal #3- same as meal #1

Meal #4- 10oz Ground turkey, 1 large dill pickle, mustard, 2 tbsp natural Peanut Butter, 3 fish oil caps

Meal #5- 10oz striploin steak, 1 cup chopped cabbage in vinegar, 2 Tbsp Natural PB, 3 fish oil caps

Meal #6- Not sure yet, likely 1 cup of egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 1 can of tuna scrambled, 3 evening primrose oil caps, 5 fish oil caps

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Long Weekend Recap

Thursday Oct 7/10

Military press-3 sets of 5 @ 135

Squats-135X10, 135X10, 225X5, 315X5

Box jumps- 3 sets of 3 to 39"

3 way shoulders-2 sets of 12/direction

GHR- 2 sets of 10

Prowler- 3 trips, 1 plate per post

Saturday Oct 9th/2010
Octoberfest Strongman invitational

The events for the day were:
Truck pull
Log press
Car Deadlift for reps
Yoke walk
Keg loading

The diet has shown very little negative effect on my performance other than the fact that I got very bad cramping in my legs, low back and abs about half way through the show.  I will assume this is due to the low sodium content of the unprocessed foods that make up 95% of my nutrition.  I've since started super salting everything.

I was disappointed with my second place finish, but felt I did put forth a decent effort.  I also planned a cheat night, including some beer and schnitzel during the octoberfest celebrations that were going on Saturday night after the show.

Sunday was back to business as usual, back to the diet plan.

Monday Oct 11th 2010

DB incline press- 2 sets of 12 @ 100
Chins- aprox 5-6 sets spread throughout the entire session

GHR- 3 sets of 15
Rev Hyper- 2 sets of 20

Lat pulldowns-2 sets of 20

DB side raise- 2 sets of 15
DB curls-2 sets of 12/arm

BB shrugs- worked up to 315X15 drop 225X20, 135X20

Decent session, just getting my body moving.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Long and Heavy Weekend

Weekend of Oct 1-2-3 2010

No training, no cardio

We moved our entire gym from a third floor commercial space (49 stairs, no evelator) to a new facility across town. (I will post a video tour of the new place soon)

Gym equipment duck walk- 100-800lbs X 49 reps X 150 sets
Back and legs were destroyed.

Good news is the new facility is ground floor and its AWESOME!

Mon Oct 4th 2010
Make up for missed events

Log push press-190X5, 250X5, 250X5, 290X1, 250X6
Decent press, legs are pretty dead, couldnt get any pop or speed. This is a product of the weekend no doubt. Just wanted to handle a log.

3 board press- 315X5, 365X3

Chins- a few sets of 10 mixed in with all the other work

20 mins cardio

Tuesday Oct 5th

Deadlift-245X5, 315X5, 365X5
Bench-135X5, 245X5, 275X5
Both lifts were crisp and easy, as they should be.

DB military-3 sets of 10 @ 75lbs
DB rows- 3 sets of 15/arm @ 120
(the 120 are easy as they have skinny handles)

DB ext-2 sets of 12 @ 40
3 way shoulders- 2 sets of 12/direction @ 12lbs

Prowler- 3 trips, not sure of distance, new spot, hard as fuck, 1 plate per post.

During all the moving and the crazy long days, I did manage to stick to the nutrition plan almost to the letter.  And by almost, I added a cold meat sandwhich on sunday that wasnt on the plan and a slice of pizza on saturday. The fact that I had the pizza really irritates me.  I hate breaking the plan.  The sandwhich was needed.  I was tapped and super hungry from all the moving.  Needed some extra fuel.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Last of it's Kind

This will be the last training session for (or anyone for that matter) at what is now known as "the old Renfrew location".  We will be spending the next 3 days moving the Renfrew location to a new facility across town.

If all goes well hopefully I will be hitting my Sunday accessory session at the new facility.

Sept 30/2010 

Push Press (this was to be military deload but I will save that for next week)- worked up to 265X4, 265X3

Pwr cleans-225X3 X5 sets

Front squats-225X10, 225X10, 225X15

Buffalo Bar GM's-185X12 X3 sets
DB side bends-150X15/side, 150X10/side

Good sesh, last sesh in the current Renfrew location of my gym.
Today was a high carb day, and also one of 2 days during the week that I do not have to cardio.