Friday, April 29, 2011

2 More in the Bag

Tues April 26th 2011

Military-135X8, 170X3, 195X3, 215X6

Deadlift-225X5, 315X3, 405X3, 525X4, 525X4, 525X4, 525X4, 600X2, 670X1(was supposed to be a double), 525X8 (used belt only on 670 set)

GHR-3 sets of 12
Hanging leg raise-3 sets of 10

I usually want to lash out with massive temper tantrums upon missing a prescribed rep, but I was gonna scrap this entire session and go home to bed early, but then talked myself into lifting no matter what. So tonight, for one night only, a shitty session was better than no session. FML

April 28/11

Box jumps-2 sets of 3 to 39" @ bw, 2 sets of 3 to 39" @ 15lbs vest

Bench-135X8,185X5, 225X3, 260X2, 300X1, 340X1, 355X1, 380X1, 275X10
Chins-4 set of 10 (various grips)

DB rows-150X15/arm X 3 sets
DB military-80X10, X10, X11

Prowler-4 trips

Decent sesh, nothing crazy but felt good and got some good quality rows in.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Absentee Blogger

What up blog?

What you know about bloggin' , Hater?

The pattern repeats itself and again I fall victim to the busy office life and my poor blog goes stale.
My apologies to any and all of the faithful followers.

2 weeks ago (April 16th) was my dad's birthday.  Unfortunately I was not celebrating it with him, I was in Trenton ON, for the east/central OSM Qualifier.  As one would expect, we got cold and rain in the forcast, just in time for the first outdoor show of the season.

My goal heading into this particular show was to "sweep" all of the planned events.
The events of the day were;
300lbs per hand farmers for 150', 585lbs barbell deadlift for reps, 270lbs log, clean once, press for reps, Car deadlift hold w/straps, and Keg loading.

Naturally I could write out a long winded summary of my experiences that day, but today, I'm going to do you one better.  I'm going to let you watch it in full color video with sound! Imagine that!?!

I do want to note that my strategy for the day was to get in the lead spot after event 1 and stay there so that I would always know exactly how much effort, reps or time would be required to win.  This did happen and worked in my favor for the sweep, but also brought about criticism from my wife for "not doing very much"

It also should be noted that the 5th event was cancelled due to time, cold and rain.  We started the show around 4:30pm and the car deadlift hold was complete around 9pm.  A vote was taken and the athletes decided to call it quits after 4 events.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Epic Meat Logs, Jack and Coke Ribs, Maple syrup/whiskey/bbq saowce!

This weekend we had a few peeps over to the homestead to celebrate Sarah's Nationals Success.

Since Saturday is typically cheat meal night for most, I decided that it would be a good opportunity to try my hand at something of "epic mealtime" proportions.

I put together:  2 meat logs, each made up of ground beef, bacon weaves, custom whisky bbq saowse, Miss Vickey's jalpeno chips, and Cheese....a lot of cheese.
Pork Back ribs par-boiled in Rye and coke, then slow cooked for 2hrs in our own custom whisky bbq saowse.
The appetizer to all this MEAT, was candied bacon.  Unreal.

Oh yeah, here's my training;

Thurs April 7th 2011

Squats-225X10, 315X5, 370X5, 405X10 (substituted this for DE Squats)

Bench- 135X10, 225X5, 275X3, 315X1, 355X1, 375X1, 275X12
Chins- A set of 10 after each bench set

DB rows- 150X15/arm, 150X15/arm, ,150X15/arm
DB military-80X10, 80X10, 80X10

Prowler- 3 trips

Sat April 9th 2011

Log (one clean)- 185X5, 235X5, 255X5, 275X5, 305X3

Farmers-210 X 150', practice picks, speed and turns. Felt great as it should without any weight in the hand.

Keg loads- a few loads for practice, keg handling maneuvers.

Stones- 255-265-285-300-320 to 60", 56", 54", 51", 51" X2 runs, nice and easy.

tire flip- 75sec X 9 flips

Good sesh

Sun April 10th 2011

Started a new plan that was put together for me by a bodybuilder to help increase hypertrophy in my "puny" areas.

Pec deck- 3X12 with 1 second squeeze at the peak of each rep

Incline DB press-75X15, 80X11, 80X9, 80X8 (never completely locking out reps and using a slow negative)

Wide grip dips- X18, X20

Seated DB lateral raise- 20X12, 20X12, 20X12 slow negative
Lat pulldowns-X15, X12, X10, X8

Bent over rear delt raise- 15X25 reps, 30 sec rest, 15X25, 30 sec rest, 15X25
(This was a face melter)

Rope pushdowns-X15, X12, X10 1 sec squeeze at peak of rep

Dips- +45lbs X10, X10

Skull crushers lying on floor- X20 reps

Barbell curls- X25 reps

Crazy pump, triceps were mangled and we measured my arms, chest and shoulders before the start of the work-out as part of the overall experiment for growth. My arms grew 1" from the pump. Hows that for a supplement ad statement? Add 1" to your arms in just one work-out!!!"

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big Ketchup

I'm Back Bitches!

Catching up on the blog after a trip to PEI and a busy start back to the work week.
We travelled to Charlottown PEI last tues-friday for the CPU Canadian Powerlifting Championships, where my wife Sarah smashed some weights. 
She now has a National Gold Medal and a big tropy that says Best Lifter Women's Open.
You can check out all the details of her lifting HERE!

Here's what I've been up to for the last week;

Tues Mar 29th 2011
MAF (Island performance gym PEI)

Military-60kgX8, 65kg(165)X3, 85kg(190)X3, 97.5kg(215)X7, 80kg(175)X12

Squats-60kgX10, 100kgX8, 140kgX5, 182.52kg(403)X4, X4, X4, X4, 207.5kg(457)X2, 232.5kg(512)X2,
182.5kg(403)X11 This squat session felt awesome, my mobility felt great, I was able to keep position very well and everything just felt on. 512 felt like a joke, but I stuck to the plan regardless.

RDL (they had no back extension bench or GHR at this gym)
140kgX8, 140kgX10, 140kgX15
Decline sit-ups-10kg behind neck-X10, X10, X12

Purple band leg curls-2 sets of 25

Good sesh

Thurs Mar 31/2011
MAF (Island performance gym)

DE Deads-225kg(496) 7 sets of 1

Bench-135X10, 225X5, 280X5, 315X3, 355X2, 315X2, 225X3 Bench felt pretty gay. Not really sure why it was off so much, but it was. Very frustrated.

DB Rows-150X12/arm, 150X12/arm (the 150's at this gym had normal size handles and it made them feel super easy), 200X8/arm (the 200's had little handles too, but they were not easy)
DB military-75X10, 80X10, 90X8

Big contrast to Tuesdays work.

Sat April 2nd 2011

Farmers-worked up to 300X150, 300X150 (Second set was faster, felt great, but I still want to improve these)

Log (1 clean)-worked up to 275X3, 275X3, 275X3, 275X6

Stones- 320X5 to 56", 320X5 to 56", 320X5 to 56" (stones felt much better after we opened a new tacky jar and realized the one we've been using for the last 2 months was junk)

Car DL Hold (w/straps)-X45sec, X55sec (puked in my mouth on the first one and had to stop)

Tire flip-(75 sec) X9, X8

Tues April 5th 2011

Military-135X8, 155X3, 180X5, 200X3, 225X6 (I think this may be a PR) Felt nice and solid

Deadlift-225X8, 405X5, 515X4, 515X4, 515X4, 515X4, 590X2, 660X2 (belt), 515X10 (second rep on 660 was pretty ugly, I was happy to get the work in.)

GHR Sit-ups-(black band) X15, X12, X10

Prowler-4 trips