Thursday, April 7, 2011

Big Ketchup

I'm Back Bitches!

Catching up on the blog after a trip to PEI and a busy start back to the work week.
We travelled to Charlottown PEI last tues-friday for the CPU Canadian Powerlifting Championships, where my wife Sarah smashed some weights. 
She now has a National Gold Medal and a big tropy that says Best Lifter Women's Open.
You can check out all the details of her lifting HERE!

Here's what I've been up to for the last week;

Tues Mar 29th 2011
MAF (Island performance gym PEI)

Military-60kgX8, 65kg(165)X3, 85kg(190)X3, 97.5kg(215)X7, 80kg(175)X12

Squats-60kgX10, 100kgX8, 140kgX5, 182.52kg(403)X4, X4, X4, X4, 207.5kg(457)X2, 232.5kg(512)X2,
182.5kg(403)X11 This squat session felt awesome, my mobility felt great, I was able to keep position very well and everything just felt on. 512 felt like a joke, but I stuck to the plan regardless.

RDL (they had no back extension bench or GHR at this gym)
140kgX8, 140kgX10, 140kgX15
Decline sit-ups-10kg behind neck-X10, X10, X12

Purple band leg curls-2 sets of 25

Good sesh

Thurs Mar 31/2011
MAF (Island performance gym)

DE Deads-225kg(496) 7 sets of 1

Bench-135X10, 225X5, 280X5, 315X3, 355X2, 315X2, 225X3 Bench felt pretty gay. Not really sure why it was off so much, but it was. Very frustrated.

DB Rows-150X12/arm, 150X12/arm (the 150's at this gym had normal size handles and it made them feel super easy), 200X8/arm (the 200's had little handles too, but they were not easy)
DB military-75X10, 80X10, 90X8

Big contrast to Tuesdays work.

Sat April 2nd 2011

Farmers-worked up to 300X150, 300X150 (Second set was faster, felt great, but I still want to improve these)

Log (1 clean)-worked up to 275X3, 275X3, 275X3, 275X6

Stones- 320X5 to 56", 320X5 to 56", 320X5 to 56" (stones felt much better after we opened a new tacky jar and realized the one we've been using for the last 2 months was junk)

Car DL Hold (w/straps)-X45sec, X55sec (puked in my mouth on the first one and had to stop)

Tire flip-(75 sec) X9, X8

Tues April 5th 2011

Military-135X8, 155X3, 180X5, 200X3, 225X6 (I think this may be a PR) Felt nice and solid

Deadlift-225X8, 405X5, 515X4, 515X4, 515X4, 515X4, 590X2, 660X2 (belt), 515X10 (second rep on 660 was pretty ugly, I was happy to get the work in.)

GHR Sit-ups-(black band) X15, X12, X10

Prowler-4 trips

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