Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Long and Heavy Weekend

Weekend of Oct 1-2-3 2010

No training, no cardio

We moved our entire gym from a third floor commercial space (49 stairs, no evelator) to a new facility across town. (I will post a video tour of the new place soon)

Gym equipment duck walk- 100-800lbs X 49 reps X 150 sets
Back and legs were destroyed.

Good news is the new facility is ground floor and its AWESOME!

Mon Oct 4th 2010
Make up for missed events

Log push press-190X5, 250X5, 250X5, 290X1, 250X6
Decent press, legs are pretty dead, couldnt get any pop or speed. This is a product of the weekend no doubt. Just wanted to handle a log.

3 board press- 315X5, 365X3

Chins- a few sets of 10 mixed in with all the other work

20 mins cardio

Tuesday Oct 5th

Deadlift-245X5, 315X5, 365X5
Bench-135X5, 245X5, 275X5
Both lifts were crisp and easy, as they should be.

DB military-3 sets of 10 @ 75lbs
DB rows- 3 sets of 15/arm @ 120
(the 120 are easy as they have skinny handles)

DB ext-2 sets of 12 @ 40
3 way shoulders- 2 sets of 12/direction @ 12lbs

Prowler- 3 trips, not sure of distance, new spot, hard as fuck, 1 plate per post.

During all the moving and the crazy long days, I did manage to stick to the nutrition plan almost to the letter.  And by almost, I added a cold meat sandwhich on sunday that wasnt on the plan and a slice of pizza on saturday. The fact that I had the pizza really irritates me.  I hate breaking the plan.  The sandwhich was needed.  I was tapped and super hungry from all the moving.  Needed some extra fuel.


  1. Feel for ya brother opened a new place in October... Nothing but moving stuff around for weeks. Great fun setting things up (especially weight trees) then deciding to move it again, and again

  2. Ya um, obviously you don't know anything about training because that weekend workout of "dick walks" is stupid. You would be totally overtrained!

    I do nothing but curls and flexing in the mirror while drinking 100% whey isolate shakes.

    (for those of you who don't know me I am messing with Paul)
