Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weekend Recap

We hosted our annual bootcamp games at the Renfrew location on Saturday, and additionally, my training partner Pete lost his mother this week so we called off training at the garage and I drilled it at the gym instead.

Saturday Oct 30/2010
Improv in place of events

18" rack pull- warm-up with quaded monster minis, 225X5, 315X5, 405X5, 495X3, 585X3, 675X3, 705X3 Drilled 705, it felt better than 675, but that was the plan so I stuck to it and didn't go beyond.

JNI approved squats- 225X5, 225X5, 315X5, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10, 405X10 (used a belt on all 405 sets)

Weighted sit-ups-1 set of 12 with 45lb plate behind neck, abs cramped up like crazy and ended my sesh.

1st time crushing out a gym sesh with thee Dave Droeske in at least a year or more. It was totally by chance that he showed up and I was just about to lift. Good timing, good session.

*JNI: Jay Nera Institute

Sunday Oct 31st

GHR- 3 sets of 15
Weighted sit-ups-3 sets of 10 w/ 45lbs behind neck

Incline DB press-80X12, 100X12, 100X12 Shoulder felt fine on these, was careful and controlled during the entire set.
Chins- 5 set of 10

DB side raise- 20X15, 25X15, 25X17
DB rear raise- 15X15, 15X15, 15X17
DB Shrugs-80X15, 80X15, 80X15
DB curls- 40X10, 40X10, 40X10
Lat pull downs- 6 sets of 15 @150 (various bars and grips)

Diet is going well, starting to feel a bit better about strength after the rack pulls on Saturday.

The plan is to continue to lean out until I reach single digit body fat percentage and then force a big rebound.  We are planning on reaching the end of the lean out sometime in early December to allow enough time for the rebound to occur.  Shelby has assured me that I will bounce back bigger and leaner than when I started the cut.  My job is to train hard and smart to maintain as much strength as possible.

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