Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Band Assited pulls

Tues Jan 24/12

Rev Band DL-(135 settled to the floor with the band set up), 225X8, 315X5, 405X3, 495X3, 585X2, 635X1, 675X1, 705X1, 710X1, 725X1
all sets no belt, felt pretty good. Last rep went up well, was able to maintain good position, didn't want to be greedy.

Front SQ- 155X10, 225X6, 275X6, 315X6, 335X6, 320X6, 320X6

Pulldown abs-2 sets of 12@ 120 (super cramped up abs forced this to be cut short)

First song in the car this morning;  Sarah left the 80's channel on and this track was on, Awesome

Last song on the way in to work:  Not on the 80's channel.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday Pressing

No events training this saturday, instead I was coaching my wife Sarah at the Ontario Powerlifting championships in Ottawa.  Here's the result.

Sunday Jan 22/12

Bench-135X10, 190X5, 225X3, 260X2, 305X1, 340X1,X1,X1,X1,X1 (all singles felt good)
Face pulls- 5 sets of 20

SLingshot close grip bench- 340X5, 355X5, 365X5

DB Row- 120X15/arm X 4 sets

1 arm DB press- 75X8/arm, 75X8/arm, 75X8/arm, 75X8/arm, 85X8/arm

Fast sesh, but got some good work in.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Thurs Pushing and Pulling

Thurs Jan 19/12

Military-135X8, 180X3, 205X3, 230X4
Chins-4 sets of 10

Push Press-255X2, 265X2, 265X2, 275X2

NOTE:  All military and push press work is ALWAYS cleaned from the floor.  I've been asked about why or why not to clean from the floor and my answer is always the same, "Have you ever had a press from the rack in a strongman contest?"

T-bar row- 100X10, 150X10, 175X10, 175X10, 175X10

Incline Bench-185X10, 185X10, 185X10, 185X10, 205X10
Seated DB pwr cleans-5 sets of 12

500m Row- 1:25.0 rest 5 mins, 250m row- 40.0

Decent sesh

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Catch-up Post and some power texting (Stolen idea from Mark Bell)

January has been a whirlwind of chaos, and in the fitness business that's usually a good thing.

I'm pushing the limits of my mental and physical capacity at work and that's the way it's gotta be.  That's how I earn my paycheck.

This is my most Recent training:

Sun Jan 15th 2012

Fat DB-75X5/arm, 125X3/arm, 145X3 left only.

DE Log- worked up to 3 sets of 3 @ 255, one clean. (Tightness in right sub-scap/teres made all pressing feel like shit, including DB)

Farmers-200X100', 270X50', 320X50', 370X50' (2 drops), 320X50' (370 felt pretty good on the pick and walking, grip was the weak link, handles were pretty cold, not sure how that would effect grip, probably not much)

Stones- 285X5 to 56", 300X5 to 54", 320X3 to 60"

Quick sesh, got the work in. Trained alone today.

Tues Jan 17th 2012

Kneeling jump to box jump (30") 2X3

Deadlift-135X8, 225X5, 315X5, 405X3, 495X1, 585X1, Suit and straps added, 675X1 Very poor position, 720Xfail, remove belt, 700X1 still poor position. (I concluded that my suit is now too small, it was a hinderance to my pulling, its so goddamn tight that I cannot force myself into the correct position to pull, my raw pull without a belt is likely better)

Front Squat-180X10, 275X10, 315X8, 315X6

GHR Sit-ups- 4 sets of 15

Very frustrated with this lost training opportunity. Did do some really awesome round back deads, so my back is fucking mangled for days.

I also have had 2 text conversations lately that I feel are worthy of being posted publicly.  One is a positive, and one is just really funny.
(My apologies to Mark Bell and PowerMag for stealing your idea, but it's only because Mark's power texting segement is awesome)
J. Foley:  Hey man, how did that event in Trenton go?  (In regards to the Annihilate Fundraiser)
Paulv: It went well, Rich is a turd burgular, and my peeps performed really well.  I was proud to be their coach, because they all executed all the events with technique that made me proud.  It really showed through that we put effort into coaching and the fact that we give a fuck about doing things correctly.
J.Foley:  Exactly man, I always think about how I would feel if I had to send kid's I coached to perform in front of other strength coaches.  Its a direct reflection of me and how I coach.  After I left the last institution that I coached at, the new guy that took my spot, contacted me and told me how blown away he was, by the quality of the form and execution of the kids at that school.
Paulv:  You left your mark. 
J. Foley: I'd rather have another strength coach tell me that they are impressed by the form that my guys (and girls) perform, rather than how much weight they are lifting.
Paulv:  I couldn't agree more.  It was glorious moment as a coach to see my peeps do things the right way, while some of the form that went on at the same event was supreme shit.  I had people watching the event comment on how well our guys looked and that was a big compliment to Sarah and I.
J. Foley:  This conversation should be posted somewhere.
Paulv: I'll power text that shit on my blog

UF Member:  So I was doing the third week of my deadlifts yesterday and the "with straps" dude is watching  me.  My top set was 490, and this abusing jerkoff's roundback 1RM is 495.  I pulled it for 4 great reps and couldn't lock-out the 5th. He said "what are you on?" I said, the 5/3/1, and the retard says he's never heard of that steroid before. Holy Fuck Man!
Paulv:  Is he calling Jim Wendler a drug dealer?  WOW.  I know you didn't bother to tell him that the 5/3/1 is a training method?!?  Awesome.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Events and some SSB Grizzle

Friday Dec 30th 2011
Trained at RMC in Kingston w/ Ricky, Smeagol and we briefly saw Joe Montgomery as we arrived.

Squats-Don't remember the work-up, it was all bonus work, got up to 2 sets of 1@515

Rack Pulls- a few sets

This was more of a social visit for me as I had already completed all my planned sessions for the week, I just did whatever Rick was doing.

Sat Dec 31st 2011

Fat DB (plate loaded)- 125X3 per arm X 3 sets (all push press, no jerks)

Log (clean each rep) - worked up to 255X4, 255X3, 255X3, 265X3 Elbows were pretty sore and every clean was difficult.

Stones- 320 to 56" X3, X5, X5, X5 (tough on elbows but very happy to get the work in)

Yoke/farmers medley- 405 yoke X 50 + 200lb farmers X100 + 405 yoke X50 X3 sets (short rest intervals), 585 yoke X50 + 250 farmers X50' X 1 set

Tues Jan 3rd 2012

Kneeling jumps-1 set of 3
Box jumps- 3 sets of 3 to 39"

SSB Squat-135X8, 225X5, 335X3, 360X4, 360X4, 360X4, 360X4, 410X2, 410X2, 360X11 (instant upper back and quad grizzle)

Noteable dialogue from the lift;
Dane: How much does the bar weigh?

Paulv: All bars weigh 45lbs

Dane: Why is it so friggin' hard then?

Paulv: Because the SSB is harder, it pushes your forwards and its heavier than a regular barbell

Dane: But you just said it only weighs 45lbs!?!

Paulv: All bars weigh 45lbs, we don't care that its heavier, it doesn't matter, it still only counts as 45lbs, but your reg squat max wont count as your ssb max.

GHR-5 sets of 12

DB Side bends- 4 sets of 15 per side @ 150lbs

super grizzler, foam roll love affair to follow.