Friday, March 23, 2012

Thursday Night Shit Show

Thurs Mar 22/12

The gym feels like at least June the last few days, been pretty hot and sweatty.  Easy to get supple and soaking 2 shirts per day just being a regular everyday gorilla.

Thurs Mar 22/12

Rev Hyper- 2X20 @ 140

Pwr cleans- 135X4, 205X4, 205X4, 255X4

16 box squat-225X5, 315X5, 405X2, 455X5, 510X3, 570X1 (Belt on for 570)

Chins (various grips)- 4 sets of 6 +20lb
Neutral Grip DB Bench-100X6, 120X6, 120X6, 120X6 (201)

Ab Wheel- 4 X10

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sumo Tuggin' (Leaves a man mangled)

Tues Mar 20th 2012

SLER 4X8/arm

Military-135X8, 135X5, 180X5, 205X3, 230X1

Sumo DL (No Belt)- 225X5, 315X3, 405X3, 535X5, 605X3, 675X1 (First sumo pulling in years, its hard, it blew me apart)

DB Ext- 4 sets of 6 @ 40 (201)
FG BB Curls- 4 sets of 6 @ 95 (201)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Big week behind me

Thurs Mar 15/12

Military Press- 135X8, 175X3, 195X3, 220X3 (presc reps, but they weren't easy)

Push-press- 235X3, 255X3, 255X3, 225X3
Chins- 5 sets supersetted with military and push press FGX8 reps per set

DB Rows-150X12/arm X 4 sets

DB inlcine-95X10 X 3 sets
Face pulls-3 sets of 20

Cable pushdowns-2 sets of 20
DB Curls- 2 sets of 10

Friday March 16/12

16" Box squat- worked up to 500X1, 545X1, 575X1, 600X1

Sumo/conv/from blocks DL test- 405X3 per stance

Sat Mar 17/12

DE Log- worked up to 3X4reps @ 260

Circus DB- A bunch of singles on left arm

Farmers-200X150', 300X150', 300X100', 300X50'

Stones- 285 to 56" 3 sets of 5 Nice and easy as it should be, 350 to 60"X1

Sunday Mar 18/12

2 board press- worked up to 335X1, 340X1, 345X1, 350X1, 315X5
Band pull aparts after each set X20

CS DB row-4 sets of 12 @ 80lbs
1 Arm DB military- 4 sets of 12 @ 65lbs

2 way shoulders- 15lbs X 15/dir X3 sets
Machine Curls-3 sets of 15

Monday, March 12, 2012

Arnold Recap

A full week has passed since I got home from a very disastrous performance at the 2012 Arnold strongman.  I'm a sore loser and I not afraid to admit it.  I took this week and smashed myself in the gym and on events and I'm feeling like I'm over it.  A wise coach once said to me, after I had just placed 2nd at a show I expected to win. "Forget about the poor performance quickly, but don't ever forget how much is sucks to finish 2nd"  And I think that the same holds true here.  I'm over the poor performance, but I won't even forget the how much is sucked to sit in the crowd to watch the finals instead of being under the bright lights of the main stage.

I felt my training cycle leading into the Arnold was very effective and despite my poor performance, I still stand by the fact the prep cycle was sound.

Key Points:

My log press felt super strong at the lock-out and the video confirms this.  My split was not bad, and overall I just ran out of time on the 4th after not pushing it up on the first attempt.  4 reps was my plan and I was about 5 seconds too slow.  (result: 320 log X3 reps)

I gave the medley too much respect.  On paper and in training this medley looked and felt beastly, but after it was all over, I wish I had attacked the yoke a bit harder.  I also fumbled the bag and that was just a dumb mistake. (850 yoke, 200bag, 340 farmers all 50’ X 38:81)  Farmers were a very high pick.

The Car DL was allegedly  heavier than 2011, I gambled and used a new suit (that I received via rushed shipping the night before we left for Columbus. Thanks to Rhaea Fowler at for getting the suit to me just in time). The suit turned out to be perfect, adjustable straps made getting just the right fit very easy.  This event was not satisfactory for me.  I got 4 or 5 reps with some slight flow, but felt super nasty on every rep after that, no touch and go was developed, each rep was a reset.  10 reps, attempted 11 and it was not moving. Every rep past 6 was feeling pretty nasty on my guts and I proceeded to vomit on the floor beside the car after I was done lifting, and continued to fill a garbage can in the athletes area.

After the vomit fest, I felt better in the guts but super tired and lazy.  I told myself that it was absolutely not acceptable to quit, and that I was capable of a decent stone carry and able to keep myself high in the standings.  This would not prove to come true regardless of what I set my mind to.  I felt confident and alert when my turn for the stone came up, but as I picked the stone and began to walk, I felt pretty weak and insignificant.  Both turns at 50’ and at 100’ were rough and out of control, I turned too early at 100’ and took a backward step.  At 100’, I felt as though I had carried the stone all afternoon.  I dropped out of fear of falling down and partially because I was irritated at myself for fucking up the turns.  This poor performance sealed my failure to make the finals. 

Final position 19th.  This is extremely aggravating and unacceptable to me.  But its, the placing that I earned that day.  Nobodies fault but my own.  Time to get back to work and prep for the next show.

My initial reaction to not making the finals was to rearrange my flight and get the hell home asap.  Cooler heads prevailed and I stuck around for the rest of the weekend and it turned out to be an enjoyable few days off.  I got spend some time with JW (Trueman show) and Mcdole.  We took in some really great pro strongman on Friday and Saturday afternoons.  Sarah got some training in, both at the “doghouse” where Phil Harrington helped us out and gave some cues.  She also put a lift in at Metro Fitness where she deadlifted beside Dexter Jackson while he was doing a photo shoot. (Metro is a shitshow of people and photographers etc, so she tries to avoid it as much as possible but its close and training needs to get done)

The most notable thing about the weekend was the presence of Bill Kazmaier on the mainstage, calling the action during the Pro strongman.  His enthusiasm and vocabulary are as entertaining as the actual lifting itself.  I was constantly taking notes of Kaz quotes while we were there.

Random Kaz Quotes:

“That is thing of beauty”

“We no longer call him Hafthor, he’s full Thor now”

“ I believe he’s training, with a bigger weight than this’’ (Referring to Brian Shaw training with a 285lb circus DB)

“Can you say HIP DRIVE”  (While Mike Jenkins Pressed the DB)

“The iron snake, slithers through contests and occasionally takes a chunk out the athletes” 

“The hardest part of strongman training is knowing how much of your pitcher to pour out in the gym and still have something left for events”

“The only way to beat them, is to be smarter than the events”
“That tree has been around for about 400 years, so you better be pretty smart”

“It’s got a mind of its own”  (Referring to the Austrian Oak giant log press)

“He could not find the position, to ignite the fire and propel the rockets”

“If he finds his line of power, this could be a cinch for him”

“We’re in the stratosphere of no-man’s land”

“Take a look at the power of those glutes, deltoids and hips”

“He can pull it all together between his ears and make this happen”

“Let’s see you power and your will”  (Said to Mike Burke during the deadlift)

“He’s hungry for weights and iron and power”

“These iron warriors never quit”

“The moniker, ‘power monster’ is very suiting for poundstone”

“Do you have any idea of how many steaks, chickens and eggs are going to perish”

“You fire the rocket, and it’s the trunk that’s asked to stabilize”

“With a heaping helping of quadriceps”

“It starts to come alive, its an iron snake and it gets wiggly”

“The school bell is ringing, the classroom is here, Big Z is about to school you in the deadllift”

“The title, the trophy and the check”

Sarah also beaked the Kaz a bit too on Sunday.  She went and asked if she could get her pic taken and just as she did he got mobbed a bit as he came out of the curtains.  Sarah being polite, just waited till everyone was done bugging him and in the confusion of it all he started to walk away, and she just blurted out “OH Thanks a lot”  and he stopped in his tracks and apologized and posed for a pic with her.