Monday, November 22, 2010

Epic Cheating

Friday Nov 19th 2010

Squat-315X10, 315X10, 315X10
GHR-X12, X12, X12 (all with red band)
Pulldown abs-120X15, 120X15, 120X15

DB side raise X20
DB rear raise X20
3 rounds

Saturday was an off day, I spent the day coaching lifters (mainly my wife) at a powerlifting meet in Ottawa.  We had 7 lifters from the UF team lifting in the meet.  Good day, long day, and the best was saved for last when I found out that after 8 weeks I finally would be having a cheat meal.

The cheat meal required some careful planning. I took down a few notes and eliminated anything that wasn't going to contribute to the most epic cheat meal.  A few stops at the grocery store and some well known fast food outlets and I had acquired everything I felt I needed.

Here's the list that I finalized for the blowout:

McDonalds Double Cheeseburgers X2
Wendy's Bacon double Cheeseburger X1
Tim Horton's Ice Cap supreme caramel X1 large
 Zio Nicolas "zio special" large pizza
BBQ pringles
Ms Vickies Sea Salt and malt vinegar kettle chips
Reese Peanut butter cups X4 packs
Vachon Pink Billot logs X 1 box
Home made Peanut butter chocolate chip cookies

Here's how it all went down:
I was only permitted to eat for 1 hr.  As much as I want, of whatever I wanted, but only for 1 hour.
I started with the burgers, the Mcdoubles didnt even make it home, I ate them in the car on the way back from picking everything up.  The wendy's double bacon went down next, followed by a slice of pizza. I was moving pretty fast because I was really excited to be plowing  back this tasty junk.
While I downed the burgers and pizza slice, I was munching on the pringles and kettlechips.  I wasn't too concerned about eating all the chips or pringles, they were mostly as a bonus side order.  The main focus was to plow as much pizza as possible after the burgs were done.  I took a break from the salty and moved onto the sweet for a bit.  I flew through the box of billot logs.  They are easy cheat food as they are moist and taste good so they go down fast.  Speed is crucial on a big cheat, if you don't move quickly, you feel full and its over.
From the vachon logs I moved right into the reese peanut butter cups.  These were a good choice but got too sweet neat the end, I had no milk, but I did have the iced cap, so it came into play here to help me finish all the cups.
I was still feeling okay after all this so I went back to the pizza and hit another slice, and followed it up with home made cookies, not sure how many I ate but it was at least 5-6 of them.
I was now starting to slow down and feel the bloat.  I nursed through the ice cap and had a few more pringles.

Game over.Only about 37 mins of total eating time.

For the next four hours I was in absolute agony, my guts hurt, my head was pounding and my heart beat felt like it was in the middle of my stomach.  Not fun, but I wanted it.  Next time a cheat comes it will definitely be more conservative.  Epic cheats like this only come on the end of a sharp diet period.

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