North American's Recap (Gatineau)
Leading into this comp, I had a busy week at the gym, a cluster fuck week, especially on friday. I didn't even think about the comp until I was on my way to the hotel after picking up a couple of americans at the airport.
I just packed all my gear as once again, not much was known about the events. I did recieve a text from Bandana Mike on about wed or thurs with speculated events, but we heard many different versions of the story so it was not worth worrying about. Just show up with all my gear and be ready to lift. I really didn't think about anything until I was putting on my rhebands in the tent on saturday.
Day #1
Arm over arm truck pull
I got a decent draw, I think I was 10th to go out of 12 guys. Nobody had finished when my turn came up, not sure what the leading distance was, but it was set by Savoie. It was heavy start, but steady all the way, I got a good pace going and kept it on. 70' and change. I was in 2nd with that pull and stayed there.
Just missed getting myself a yellow leader jersey.
895lbs Frame Carry (straps)
I got to go in the last heat against Savoie. I like pairing up with guys that are really solid as it pushes me more. When our turn came up, only Caron had finished and Scott the ginger gorilla had come about 6' from the line. Savoie took off like a rocket, as I ground through the pick, i kept a steady pace, focused on precise steps and a tight hips and gut. As I approached the half way mark, my grip was fine, steps were steady, but the frame was folding me forward and starting to cut off breathing (much like car DL hold) just kept the steps going till I couldnt breath anymore. A repick was not happening. Not sure on my distance, but I knew I had made it into 4th spot as I had pushed past the scrapes on the ground where Karl and Mike had finished.
Louis Cyr DB Press 185lbs
Not much to say here other than my pressing has continued to flounder this season, I manged 1 rep, the DB was not very big or awkward, I just didn't have the triceps to finish. I believe I finished 10th on this event.
Time to get into capt upper body mode and get my press up.
I've felt this was a good event for me, but had some grip overuse issues arise in the end of july and early august, that gave me less than desirable finishes. I've been getting treatments on my finger for about 3 weeks now and I was curious to see how things would shape up.
Starting weight was 1550lbs nice and easy, good way to get things in order, hand felt awesome.
Second run 1850lbs, hands felt awesome again, but about 2' from the finish line I felt a nasty pop in my right trap/shoulder, the right side dropped a bit but not enough that I had to put down the barrow, finished the run and was feeling some pain and tightness immediately.
quite a few guys went out on 1850lbs so it was worth big points to have gotten it done. My PR on this event is 2000lbs completed in Toronton back in June. Next weight was 2150lbs, despite not feeling to awesome, I picked it and made a couple steps but it was tough, I picked it twice and was able to dump it 3'2". Karl Gillingham got me by 5" with a distance 3'7" and Savoie and Jessen both completed 2150 and went on to higher weights. I didn't watch, I took my 4th and went for some treatment on my now extremely sore neck/trap. The on-site chiro treated it a bit and got some ice on. He said he would treat me again at the hotel and again in the morning.
Overall a great start to the 3 day show, but neck was a bastard. The rest of my body felt like I hadnt done anything, felt good.
Day 2
Warm-ups were depressing, I was super tight in the neck, even after treatment and hot linament. I didn't feel like moving at all let alone warming up. But whatever, this was a big show, and close to home, many family and friends had come out to watch. Time to suck it up.
Herc Hold
Also a good event for me, and my confidence was high after feeling out my grip on the wheelbarrow. I was up and the leading time was 26sec, I held on for 30 and change, the postiton of the herc hold had no ill affect on my neck and was not painful. I figured I'd be safe for at least second or third with Karl, Savoie and the loafing old creep (Jessen) left to go. As expected, Jessen hung on for 40 seconds, Karl was damn close at 29 seconds, and Savoie went 31sec. Another top 3 placing!
Log for reps 280, clean each rep
Head to head with Karl, my goal was 6 reps. On the first rep, I was a bit loose and the press hurt like fuck, so I had to remind myself to be "tight" after the clean. The 5th rep took the full of my ass, and a split jerk to get. I stopped to rest and played a poor head game with myself, when I finally decided it was imperative to get a 6th, the ref called out only 5 seconds left. Poor mental game here, I am happy that I chose to not split and just push jerk each rep, much faster and still very effective, just used the split when things got tough. 5 reps tied for god knows what. There were a couple of 6's and savoie had 7 or 8 and Caron punched out 10. His first 7 were all one motion. Sick pressing power.
Stones (first 4 to 56", last stone to 60")
I knew every pick was gonna rip into my neck, time to go in the zone, become another animal all together and get the fucking job done. I felt I had a decent run, tied my PR on this set with 4 stones in 28 seconds and got the 5th up pretty high. When I lapped the 5th it felt awesome, I felt that it was going to be the day I loaded all 5, my hands slipped a bit on the way up and I didnt get the stone up into my neck, with 60", I need the stone sitting on my adam's apple and it didnt get up high enough. Satisfied but still hungry for all 5. Unfourtunately, Karl did 4 in 26 sec, Jessen did 4 in 27 seconds and threw the 5th one right over the top of the last podium, Savoie did 4 in 20sec and Caron did all 5. So my stone PR matching load, was good for 5th place.
I finished day in 4th, but stranded alone, 6 or 7 points behind Karl in 3rd and 8 or 9 points ahead of Bandana Mike in 5th. In the past, this has been a bad place to be for me mentally, as I lose focus and find that extreme efforts become difficult, due to not being in a postition to move up and not really in danger of falling back. Mike woke me the hell up on monday with the first event. It snapped me back into action pretty hard.
I spent Sunday night icing and stretching and recieved more treatments from the chiro, the neck was getting worse. I didn't know it at the time, but I had pretty decent injury or at least the start of one and I kept plowing ahead, likely making it worse.
Day 3
Car DL for reps
The leading number was 7, put up by Mike, when my turn came up. I know my DL is similar to Mike's, I was prepping my brain for the lead with 8, but my neck had other plans. Every rep of the pathetic 4 that I got was nasty. I had to stop after each, nearly puking from the nasty feeling in my neck. There was no hope of lifting it with my usual car DL position. I had to sit way back and try to squat it up. 4 reps, Mike got 3rd with his 7 and now my lead over him was cut to only 4 points.
Yoke (800 for 60') /Tire (60') medley
Mike had closed the gap and it woke me up and made me stop feeling sorry for myself with my pissy sore shoulder. Yoke was a joke! 800lbs sprint, I left my belt loose so I could pop it off easily leading into the tire. I was head to head with Karl, and managed to stay ahead of him by 5" on the tire flip. I seriously need to get my tire flip up. The first 4-5 flips are fine, but then I gas and fall apart. I think I was 1 flip short of the finish, not sure what place I ended in but it was enough to keep me in 4th overall and squeeze out 1 point closer to Karl in 3rd.
After the adrenaline calmed down, I was ready for bed and pain killers. My neck was nasty, and my legs were wobbly.
This is by far the loudest and the biggest crowd I've ever performed in front of. The venue is super tight, and the fans are right in your face through every event. Very fun, I was very happy to be able to compete close to home for once and have people come watch.
I'm happy to finish 4th, but not satisfied. Happy to move up and be the third place canadian at this show!
Great weekend, I'm gonna miss seeing all those gorilla's every weekend. Time to get my shit together and get the holes filled for 2012.
I went to see the doctor (Paul Sly at Arnprior Family Chiropractic) on wed and was diagnosed with some tearing in the Scalene/SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) at the clavicle attachement. I was strongly advised not to compete this weekend, although, it was not likely as I have a hard time dressing myself in the morning, and a 10lb plate in the right hand feels like it's going to rip my shoulder off my body. Not only does it suck to be out, but I can't even really smash weights. Coughing is nasty and any type of internal rotation of the arm/shoulder feels like I'm getting stabbed in the neck.
Actually just got a text from my doc, he says to keep working mobility, but to keep everything light and pain free so healing can take place.
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