Saturday, January 22, 2011

Powerlifting Weekend

I want to give a shout out to a bunch of my friends, clients and team members all competing this weekend.

I'm in London ON, with my wife Sarah who is lifting in the OPA provincial championships today.

Also lifting in London this weekend from Team Ultimate Fitness:

Jayne Major:m-1 52kg
Rebecca Mckeen: junior 63kg
David Droeske: junior 105kg

My good friends Wil Albert and Jay Nera are down below the border (Florida) lifting at the Raw Unity Pro meet.

I never wish lifters good luck, because being succesful has nothing to do with luck.

Preparation, execution and self belief are the recipe for winning here.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Doing the work

Tuesday Jan 18th 2011

Feel good shoulders X2

Military-135X5, 135X5, 135X5

SSB Squats- 135X10, 225X5, 315X3, 405X1 (belt on), 455X1, 505X1 PR, 405X9

GHR-X12, X12, X12 +2+2+2
Hanging leg raise- X10, X10, X12

Rower- 500m X 1:26.8

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekend Work

Saturday Jan 15th 2011

Log-DE/Clean and press each rep-worked up to 255X3 these all felt crisp and the cleans were efficient. 270X3 (one clean) This set was the wrench in my wheels, forgot how to split, forgot to clean each rep, just a loss of focus.
300X1 felt slow

Yoke-worked up to 960X35ish feet, dropped to 780 and returned to the start of the course. It was good to get a heavy yoke on my back again. Legs felt great, but I want to refine my upper body postition.

Stones- 265, 285, 300, 320, 350(miss) to 60", 56", 54", 51, This run X3, loaded the 350 for some singles.

Axle clean and press for 90 sec- 2 rounds X12, X11 , afterwards did about 10-12 consecutive cleans to sharpen up my technique (modified Karlsonish)

This session was nothing special, I definately feel beat down, which is where I want to be right now. Just got the work in.

Sunday Jan 16th 2011

Feel good shoulders X2

Barbell split jerks- 185X3X5 sets (finding my groove again)

DB side raise-3 sets
Lat pulldowns- 3sets
Face pulls - 3 sets
body rows-3 sets
rev hyper - 3 sets

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rigormortise Training

Last nights session put the "rust" in my legs and glutes.

I can definately feel that I'm due for a deload. Which I'm taking from the 23rd - 30th of january. Full week off!

Tues jan 11th 2011

Feel good shoulders X2

Military-135X8, 160X3, 190X3, 210X3 presc reps only

Deads-225X8, 315X5, 405X3, 500X4 X4 sets, 570X2 X2 sets, 500X10
All sets were work, low back was pretty tight going in and only got worse. Just got the work done and didn't worry about being perfect.

Squats- the plan was 3X10 @405 but my back and knees had other plans. So instead;
225X10 X10 sets w/60 second rest between sets.

GHR- X12, X12
Weighted sit-ups- 35lbsX15, X12

Got the work in

Sunday, January 9, 2011

PR Work Week (end)

Thurs jan 6th 2011
Feelgood shoulder circuit X2

DE pulls- 495X7 singles. Some with belt, some without. Nothing groundbreaking, back was pretty mangled and speed was sub-par.

Bench- 135X10, 225X5, 275X3, 315X1, 355X1, 375X1, 400X1PR, 405X1PR, 315X5 drop 225X5 drop 135X5. Finally got the 4 plate monkey off my back.

T-bar rows- 3plates X15, 4plates X15, 4 plates X15, 4plates X15
DB military-75X10 X4 sets

Battle ropes X 3 rounds @ 40sec500m row- 1:28.7
Good sesh

Sat Jan 8th 2011

Axle- (clean and press each rep) worked up to 270X4, 270X4, 300X1, 300X1, 300X1 (singles were intended to feel a bit more weight while making a few adjustments in my clean process)

Farmers- 230X60', 300X60',350X60' (all sets had turn at 30', 350 was drop turn) final set started as 350X45' drop to 300Xfinish course.

Stones- 300X5 to 56" X2sets, 350 to 56", 385 to 56", 350 to 60", 410 to 56"PR
Stones felt good, it was fun to drill some heavy singles on stones after the planned work was complete

Friday, January 7, 2011


Got another monkey off my back last night.

I consider bench my weak link lift and have been knocking on the door of the 4 plate club for about the last 12 months.

I'm no longer knocking. I'm now a card carrying member. (Its about time)

Thurs Jan 6th 2010

Feelgood shoulder circuit X2

DE deadlift- 6 singles @ 495
Box jumps- 2 sets of 3 to 39"

Bench-135X10, 225X5, 275X2, 315X1, 355X1, 375X1, 400X1 (PR), 405X1 (PR), 315X5 drop 225X5 drop 135X5

T-bar rows-3platesX15, 4plates X15, 4plates X15, 4 plates X15
DB military-3 sets of 10 @ 75lbs

Battle ropes- 3 round @ 40sec
500m row- 1:28.7

Good sesh!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Got Bench?

Here's a vid of my wife and business partner Sarah Leighton.
She's got a few Canadian records in powerlifting in the women's open 67.5kg class.

Here's a vid of her top set of raw bench work from this morning. She's following Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 template for her ME raw lifting.

She is quick to point out that I claim responsiblity for her being awesome, she right, I am responsible for her being awesom.  Awesome by association. HAHA  (Just kidding, I coach her, but she has massive work ethic and fucking kills it in the gym and in her nutrition. She is responsible for all those records, and she's a great coach in her own right)

Xmass Deadlift

We celebrated Xmass this year by having a big lifting session on the morning of xmass eve.  We gathered a crew of lifters that were hungry to smash weights and the result was very good.

Here's a video of my 710lbs Deadlift.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Not forgotten

So obviously my absence from my office or workstation causes me to have blog amnesia.

I've hopefully rectified the problem by finally figuring out how to blog from my blackberry.

A quick update:
Training is going well, and my diet has taken another upturn. I'm now running high carb days on all my training days (4/week), and lows on my non training days. The cardio has been dropped completely with the exception of the conditioning work I incorporate into my training.

Bodyweight is creeping back up and strength gains are staying on the upward path.

I have already shifted my focus on success at the Arnold World Amateur Strongman comp. The show is now less than 2 months away. I hope you will enjoy following my prep for this event.

Now that the blogging can be done from my phone it should be more frequent and up to date. Additionally, I will have many more typos and the roads are far less safe as I will likely type away at the wheel from time to time. (I know that's not funny)

Check back soon for a video of my 710 raw deadlift from xmass eve.

Hard as F**K