"How long will it take me to lose X ?"
"I'm eating really healthy, how come I'm not losing fat?"
"Whats the best exercise to get rid of fat on my X ?"
I'm not one to tell people what they want to hear just to make them happy. I believe in telling it how it is. Straight up, no bull, the facts and the truth.
That approach makes answering the above questions very tough. The answers would be vague at best.
So I'm going to demonstrate the hows and the whys for the next little while.
My competitive season is just about done and I feel I need to make some changes.
I'm going to be leaning out (Losing some fat), and hopefully adding some lean muscle mass.
I will be very transparent on here to the process and the methods I use.
Hopefully it will put down a few good answers.
I will Post:
-Weekly pics (the same ones that I send to my nutritionist each week)
-Training summaries of my weight training, events practice, conditioning and additional cardio training.
-Weekly nutrition plans and how well I follow or deviate from the plan.
Starting Point
This photo was taken on Sat Sept 18th in the morning. (I try to always take the pics at the same time of day)
Body weight 256lbs
I received the weekly nutrition protocol from Shelby Starnes of troponinnutrition.com on friday sept 17th and went right to work. I started following the plan on Saturday the 18th.
Here's what the weekly plan looks like:
2 days per week are high carb days (My 2 biggest training days, sat/thurs)
2 days per week are medium carb days (Also training days, sun/tues)
3 days per week are low carb days (Off days, cardio only Mon/wed/fri)
I'm not going to get into all the nitty gritty details of what I'm eating on a daily/weekly basis, as it is very long and boring, but I will give snapshots of random days.
Yesterday, Tuesday Sept 20th was a low carb day.
I ate:
meal #1- 1 cup egg whites, 2/3 cup dry oats, 1-1/4 scoops of Whey fusion chocolate. Blended in blender with aprox 1 cup of cold water. 3 fish oil caps
Meal #2 Same as meal 1
Meal #3 Same as meal 1
Meal #4-10 oz striploin steak, 1 cup asparagus, 2 tbsp all natural peanut butter
Meal #5-10 oz extra lean ground turkey, 2 dill pickles, 1 cup of chopped cabbage soaked in vinegar, 2 tbsp all natural peanutbutter
Meal #6- 2-1/2 scoops of whey fusion chocolate, 3 evening primrose oil caps, 1 tbsp macadamia nut oil, 1 dill pickle.
Throughout the day I also consumed 1 gallon of water, and 3 cans of zero cal pepsi max. I started the day with a double shot of espresso.
Monday Sept 20th
Cardio- 5 min warm-up, 15 mins sprint intervals on lifecycle, stretching for hams and hips.
Tuesday Sept 21st
DE deads- 315X3 singles, 365X3 singles, 405X3 singles (10 secs between all singles at each weight)
Bench press-135X10, 225X8, 265X3, 300X3, 340X4, 225X18
Front squats-225X10, 315X5, 315X10 drop 225X15
DB rows-120X20/arm, 120X20/arm, 120X20/arm
GHR-2 sets of 12
GHR sit ups-2 sets of 15
A few small changes are required, the full throttle approach last week left me really mangled and underperforming on just about everything including life.
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